On July 16th we issued the North Cadbury and Yarlington Draft Neighbourhood Plan (DNP). This Public Consultation known as Regulation 14 is a key step in the development of the DNP. If you have not read it click here.
To ensure we consulted fully we issued a pamphlet to every household in the Parish giving a summary overview of the DNP; Utilised social media channels and the NC&Y website to provide on-line access to the full document; And for those without access to a computer, printed copies were (and still are) available at village stores or available on request.
With Covid guidelines now relaxed we were able to hold village hall drop in events at Galhampton, Yarlington and North Cadbury where residents were able to meet the team and ask questions on any aspect of the DNP
Now we need your feedback
If you support it, you need to tell us
If you have issues, you also need to tell us
No response tells us nothing!
You have until 31st August to give us your views.
The easiest way to give us your feedback is to click here.
if you prefer, email your thoughts to: info@northcadburyneighbourhoodplan.org.uk
Reply forms are also available for pick up / return at Galhampton Store and North Cadbury Stores. If you know of anyone who might need a paper version, please let us know and we will get it to them.
Please make sure you return this form by 31 August 2021.
If you have difficulty in responding please contact Richard Rundle: 01963 440088
Thank you from the Neighbourhood Plan Working Group.